Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mood Board

Story Board

Flow Chart

Planning Tools for Interaction


Information/Instructional Design Examples

Below are some examples of instructional design work:

SOMS "Substituting/Optimizing (variable) Message Signs - was a project that involved a proposal for unified pictograms, keywords, typefaces etc, for the Trans European Road Network

Kalamazoo Nature Center
- the design was for lunch activities for Nature Center staff to interact with local elementary schools.

Vodafone Phone Bill
- was to enable users to understand their bills due to the amount of modern bills contain including picturing messaging, video calls, internet use etc.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Information/Instructional Design

Information/Instructional Design refers to...

This type of design refers to the practice and skill of designing tools that instruct the user to navigate and learn in the most effective and efficient way possible. It involves identifying the needs of the user and incorporating this with the end goal to ensure that the user achieves this desired goal.


Interactive (Web) Design Examples

There are some great examples of Interactive Design in the web today. People have taken advantage of technological leaps and bounds to bring users the most involving and interactive websites. The new level of interactivity gives users a greater, more memorable experience. Below are some links to examples.


Interactive Design

Interactive Design is.....

It is the design and shaping of systems and interactive products with the main focus of how the user will interact and effectively use these services. It can be seen as a design discipline, one which emphasizes technological interaction and centers around complex systems including software, electronic devices etc.


Web 2.0 Examples

Examples of what Web 2.0 has enabled include:
  • social networking sites such as facebook, myspace etc.
  • blogs such as blogger
  • video sharing sites such as youtube, mininova etc.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 refers to.....

The term refers to the second coming or second generation of web development/design. It has expanded the possibilities for users of the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 aims to facilitate and enable users to communicate, collaborate and share information with each other through the medium of cyberspace. It is an evolution of networking and has set the platform for real time sharing of information, effectively opening the doors for web based communities to develop.

Introduction to Gabe's Blog on ID

Welcome to my blog on interactive design. The purpose of this blog is to facilitate my learning of key concepts and skills that encompass "ID". You are free to browse around and leave comments at any of my posts.

